I tried the same experiment as
before with my High school/middle school class. They actually did surprisingly well in terms of stamina but not necessarily in terms of cutting.
Andrew Dicenso sempai, our shodan in the class, beat my time for 99 cuts but a second. He says he practices with his shinken at home cutting 2-3 hundred times, so he's already well set for it. Many of the others however, ran short of breath and slowed down substantially in the middle.
Some things to note first: of the eight students who were at the session, only two have actually ever cut before, and one is already a black belt. So the other six do not really have an understanding of what a proper cut-swing feels like. Some of them look like they are ready, but it is hard to tell until they actually try.
Since all of those six are under 18, I'll have to get parental permission slips first before they try. The semester is almost over, so we will have to wait until the Fall before they can start. It will be interesting since about 4 or 5 of them will be practicing to reach the lowest brown belt rank after their
yonkyu test next week.
The Catalina Foothills High School where they practice has some nice indoor facilities but sometimes we have to move around rooms. It'll be great to have a monthly cutting session with 5 more students practicing even if at the basic level, in addition to two others we have in that class already doing so. The newer students get an appreciation of cutting when they see their peers and friends doing it.
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